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System Solutions by Trustteam est Arrowsphere Partner of the Year
09.07.2024 | System Solutions by Trustteam
System Solutions by Trustteam a atteint le niveau de partenariat Platinum avec Sophos
29.05.2024 | System Solutions by Trustteam
System Solutions by Trustteam remporte le titre de 'Veeam Partner of the Year' pour la Belgique et le Luxembourg
02.04.2024 | System Solutions by Trustteam

System Solutions by Trustteam a été élue 'Veeam Partner of the Year' pour la Belgique et le Luxembourg lors de la récente cérémonie qui s'est tenue jeudi dernier, 28 mars 2024.

System Solutions by Trustteam confirme son titre de “HPE Partner of the Year”
19.03.2024 | System Solutions by Trustteam

System Solutions by Trustteam a été élu “HPE Partner of the Year” lors de la cérémonie des HPE Channel Awards, au Luxembourg !

Robert Roux passe le flambeau de System Solutions by Trustteam Luxembourg à Alain Maringer
20.02.2024 | System Solutions by Trustteam

Alain Maringer succède à Robert Roux et devient le nouveau Managing Director de System Solutions Luxembourg.

System Solutions by Trustteam is awarded the "Virtualization Partner of the Year" at the Arrow Partner Connect event
17.07.2023 | System Solutions by Trustteam

System Solutions by Trustteam has received the prestigious 'Virtualization Partner of the Year' award at the Arrow Partner Connect Luxembourg event.

System Solutions by Trustteam devient partenaire Sophos Firewall, renforçant son expertise en sécurité réseau
17.05.2023 | System Solutions by Trustteam

System Solutions by Trustteam a le plaisir d'annoncer son nouveau statut de partenaire Sophos Firewall, une accréditation qui témoigne de son expertise en matière de protection des réseaux.

Trustteam and System Solutions join forces
13.04.2023 | System Solutions by Trustteam

Trustteam and System Solutions join forces to become a leading IT managed services provider in Belgium, Luxembourg and North-East of France.

System Solutions by Trustteam nommée "Partenaire de l'année"
11.04.2023 | System Solutions by Trustteam

System Solutions by Trustteam a été doublement honorée lors de la cérémonie des HPE Channel Awards 2023. La société a été nommée "Partenaire de l'année" par deux marques prestigieuses : Hewlett Packard Enterprise et Aruba.

System Solutions Luxembourg remporte les Awards “HPE Partner of the Year” et “Aruba Partner of the Year”
30.03.2022 | System Solutions by Trustteam

Après avoir été récompensé en Belgique par HPE la semaine dernière, System Solutions by Trustteam se voit décerner deux nouveaux prix, au Luxembourg cette fois : “HPE Partner of the Year” et “Aruba Partner of the Year”.

System Solutions by Trustteam ouvre son capital à Dynamica
14.06.2021 | System Solutions by Trustteam
COVID-19 - Iinformations for the customers
19.08.2020 | System Solutions

In order to ensure the continuity of our activities in the context we are working in, System Solutions has taken important technical and organisational measures to preserve, as far as possible, the quality of our services and, consequently, your interests.